Do this for 20 mins as soon as you get home, gives you an energy boost after a long day!

We all know that theoretically we should work out more often than what we are doing already, but in reality, most of us struggle between work and all other commitments in life that makes it look like impossible to squeeze more time into exercising.

Try this next time when you get home, put down your bag and put on your yoga/gym clothing, put aside your phone, get yourself comfortable and sit with your legs crossed like this:


Or like this


Breathe in and breathe out, slowly and deeply, as slow as you can. Repeat for 5 mins, easy peasy. Put on Spotify’s “Peaceful Piano” playlist, it’s the best.

Then curl yourself up like a fetus and do this child’s post like a fetus. Again, slow your breathing, for 5 mins.



Last one, the downward dog pose for 5 mins, with a 30 second break and repeat it once more. This is a tricky one because ideally we all want to pose like this:

However reality is quite far from that LOL:


But don’t beat yourself up just because none of your body part can go where they are supposed to go, just like me! This is an Amazing pose that can force blood flow to your upper body and your head, I am not even exaggerating every time when I finish doing this pose, I feel like my brain is rejuvenated. It gives your head all the energy and oxygen it needs after a long day at work, to me it works the same as in taking a midday nap – insanely refreshing. And if it is too much for you, start with a pose like the right picture here, grab a chair and try to flatten and stretch your upper body as much as you can.


See it is not hard at all to treat yourself with a body re-boost for just 20 mins a day. Just make sure you do it before turning on your TV or browsing your Facebook feed – we can all afford that much time for our own body, all you need to do is to block out those trivial distractions in your everyday life and, Focus, Relax.


Happy ANZ Day everyone!

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