Your quick breakfast guide on the road

Your quick breakfast guide on the road

I know, here comes that time of the year Again. Two things that might cause you scratching your head will be: what to get for Xmas gifts for X, Y, Z….. all the beloved (or not so much) ones in your life; and, hopefully if your bank account permits, where to go for a two-week holiday before reality hits.

One thing that is particularly challenging for me when travelling is that my eating pattern is constantly out of whack. Jet legs and the lack of self-discipline both play their roles in this, an out of order metabolism is the last thing you want on a holiday. Keep a few energy bars on the side, in your pocket – there are protein balls you can get at Rebel Sports or any given pharmacy, they are quite delish and easy to carry around. Get out of your bed at normal local hours and pop one or two of those down your throat, have a boiled egg or a banana as well if possible, then you are set for the rest of the day. These foods provide you with the energy and protein your body needs and they take no time to make, literally.

Off you go, have a great Xmas and New Year!



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